Seizing opportunities if you feel stuck in a career

If you’ve ever felt stuck in a career that might not be the right one, Don Braunstein has some advice. Feeling stuck in a career has never really been an issue for him. For the last 13 years, Don Braunstein has brought his firsthand business experience to students at University of Phoenix. He started his career in chemical engineering, rose to management, then made the very unexpected, very cool move to book publishing, working with celebrated writers like Kurt Vonnegut, Danielle Steel and Judy Blume. But he says that’s only his second favorite job, after being a UOPX instructor.
Click the image to watch Don's episode on seizing opportunities when stuck in a career from the University of Phoenix YouTube.
In the second episode of the How Tomorrow Works podcast, University of Phoenix marketing instructor Don Braunstein will get you thinking about (and actually excited for) what you could do next. He shares how and when to embrace opportunities and the importance of keeping yourself current.
Don uses stories from his life and career to teach his students what it’s like in the real world of business. He breaks down what he learned as a chemical engineer turned book publisher turned instructor. The business lesson, and often, more importantly, the human lessons. Then we hit Don with our lightning round of questions to discover How Don Works.
Subscribe at… for all six episodes of the How Tomorrow Works podcast. We talk with University of Phoenix leaders and alumni to hear what’s now, what’s next and what you can do to be ready. If you missed the first episode on the future of education and careers in a remote world, you can watch it on YouTube.
In the next episode, UOPX alumna and the Atlanta Hawks’ Chief HR Executive Camye Mackey chats about cultivating company culture and finding the right career fit. Learn more about University of Phoenix at .