Scrum Master Fundamentals course information and purchase details
Information Technology
Scrum Master Fundamentals
Course details
Skills you'll learn:
Key topics:
4 hours
Empirical Scrum Pillars and Values
Scrum Team Roles
Scrum Events and Artifacts
Scrum master
Delivery manager
Servant leadership
Professional Scrum Master I
Account creation and payment details

Self-paced, 100% online
Job-ready skills
No books or materials needed
Finish course in approx.
Access to course for 1 year
Certificate of Completion
7-day Satisfaction Guarantee
This noncredit course:

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Share your Certificate of Completion on your résumé and LinkedIn®: Corporation when you’ve successfully completed your course with a score of 85% or higher. LinkedIn is a registered trademark of LinkedIn Corporation and its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.