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Virtual Teaching Skills Pathway

In today’s digital age, we’ve had to rethink how we see teaching. This Skills Pathway will help educators transition from being at school to building successful learning experiences with students outside the traditional classroom. Enhance virtual teaching skills and discover skills to lead effective online learning experiences that ensure equity and inclusion. Learn how to take the same skills, tools and platforms used in the classroom and apply them online to facilitate dynamic virtual learning communities.

Tools and resources you can access after purchasing:

  • Lesson Plan Template for Virtual Classroom

    A fillable PDF template that teachers can use to write lesson plans for the virtual environment that includes sections for each component of the lesson plan (e.g., standards, objectives, materials/resources, use of technology, supports, assessments).

  • Free Templates and Resources

    A PDF list of links teachers can use to access free educational templates and resources, such as Google Slide templates, PowerPoint themes, Bitmoji scenes and backgrounds, a virtual classroom toolkit, and more.

  • Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

    A PDF visual of Bloom’s taxonomy that includes Bloom’s taxonomy, Bloom’s modified taxonomy, Bloom’s extended digital taxonomy, functional levels, and activities with digital tools.

    Included Skills Pathways

    Skills Pathway 1: Foundations in Virtual Teaching (about 30 hours)

      • Design effective online learning experiences
      • Strategically foster student engagement and enjoyment
      • Support students effectively through distance learning
      • Use the latest online teaching tools

    Skills Pathway 2: Transforming Virtual Teaching (about 30 hours)

      • Identify strategies to develop strong online learning experiences
      • Select proper facilitation strategies that align to learning goals
      • Leverage technology to engage users and improve virtual learning
      • Design online learning experiences to promote equity, inclusion, and wellness

    Showcase your achievement

    Employees can share a Certificate of Completion and Professional Development Badge by uploading them to their social media profiles, such as LinkedIn® * , when they’ve successfully completed a Skills Pathway or skills module with a score of 85% or higher.

    ¹ LinkedIn is a registered trademark of LinkedIn Corporation and its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.


    What school leaders are saying about the need to upskill

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    Teachers are struggling with concurrent learning – the need to teach students who are in-person while also providing instruction for virtual students. Strategies for this may be helpful for teachers."

    - Elizabeth Jamerson, Director, Human Services, Cumberland County Public Schools

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    There has been tremendous growth in the need for virtual teaching skills over the past year. As we return to the classroom, those skills can be further used to enhance instruction."

    - Jeff Noe, Asst. Superintendent, Washington County Public Schools

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    The need for the skills required to teach online this year has been unprecedented. Being able to teach face-to-face while also providing equitable on-line instruction for virtual learners is a must.

    - Sarah Taylor, Human Resources Director, Tazewell County Public Schools

    Frequently asked questions

    The Virtual Teaching Skills Pathway was designed to help transition in-person teachers to online educators and enhance virtual teaching skills.

    • A skill module teaches a single skill in four to eight hours.

    • A one-hour skill module teaches a single skill in about one hour.

    • Every type of skill module features one or more assessments and awards a shareable digital skill badge when completed with a score of 85% or better.

    A Skills Pathway is a series of skills that can be learned over a period of time.

    Prebuilt Pathway: A series of two or more existing skill modules that’s ready to launch today.

    • Training Pathway: A series of two or more one-hour skill modules that does not prepare employees for a certification exam or help them earn recertification credits.
    • Certification Pathway: Completing this Prebuilt Pathway can help employees prepare for a third-party certification exam.
    • Recertification Pathway: Completing this Prebuilt Pathway can help employees earn recertification credits for a specific agency such as SHRM® and HRCI®.

    Tailored Skills Pathway: Select multiple existing skill modules to create this Pathway. Skill modules and assessments can be modified slightly to accommodate the needs of your business.

    Custom Skills Pathway: Our team will build completely new skill modules and assessments for your business and workforce.