Periodical for research & scholarship
Phoenix Scholar
Vol. 1, Issue 1
First Edition
In this issue you will find many examples of effective and meaningful scholarly leadership. Scholarly leadership is defined as a transformative relationship among experienced and aspiring Scholar/Practitioner/Leaders who intend, through the production and application of research, to advance their professional life and the community of scholarship.
Featured articles in this issue
Turbulent Times: ILA Conference Leaves Memorable UOPX Accomplishments
University of Phoenix Doctorate Student’s Work Attracts David Petraeus
The Shift from Diversity to Inclusion: On the Road to Servant
CEITR Researchers Representing University of Phoenix at AECT 2017
Higher Education Reform and Job Market: A Response to President Cohen
Home of the Brave: Democratic Experimentalism and Setting the Research Center Agenda
The Aftermath of Trump:A Challenge for Education Leaders and a Call for Youth Activism
OSS Research Grant Recipient Subas Nandy to Present Paper on Financial Performance of Global Pharmaceutical Companies
Leadership Perspectives: A New Practitioner Section for the Journal of Leadership Studies
Digital Economy: Business Not as Usual
Utilizing Virtual Research Teams for Innovation within the Center for Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Research
The Center for Educational and Instructional Technology Research Highlights and Accomplishments, Sept 2016-2017
Practitioner Publications: What Are They and Why Should I Consider Publishing in Them?
Dr. Brian Sloboda, Research Chair for the Center for Management and Entrepreneurship, Published in the International Finance Review
Can the DREAM still exist?
Bullying: A Darkness Within American Schools Professional Responsibility in Education Research Group
Hurricanes, Schools, and the Ethic of community Professional Responsibility in Education Research Group
CLSER Revels in Great Year of Fellowship, Visibility, and 300th Affiliate
The Continuous Variable of Research: The Tangible Effects