Teacher education
State licensure requirements
The University’s teacher education program/s are reviewed and approved by the State of Arizona Department of Education and our program/s meet state educational requirements for licensure in the states listed below. There are two pathways to achieve certification:
1) Direct Apply – states that accept our Arizona-approved program and permit candidates to apply directly for certification, and
2) Reciprocity – states that require candidates of our Arizona-approved program to obtain Arizona certification first before applying for certification in their home state.
Please regularly review the licensure requirements listed under your state as you prepare for your teacher preparation journey.
California: California teacher licensure programs are approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) and teacher candidates, upon graduation and receipt of a University-issued Institutional Recommendation, apply directly to the CCTC for licensure.
North Carolina: Candidates enrolled in the Graduate Initial Teacher Certificate programs (CERT/G-ELM, CERT/G-SEC, CERT/G-SPE) on or after 7/1/2022, are considered to be in an approved program by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). Candidates in this program may be eligible for the residency license pathway in NC while completing their Graduate Certificate program. All teacher candidates, upon graduation and receipt of a University issued Institutional Recommendation, apply directly to the NC DPI for licensure.
As a teacher candidate in Alabama, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education. Teacher candidates will need to obtain Alabama fingerprint clearance through the Educator Certification Section of the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Arizona Professional Knowledge Exam
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week(full-time), at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Alabama teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
Alabama teacher candidates will have to include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Alabama licensure.
Alabama Out of State Certificate
Note: Secondary candidates are eligible to apply for a Class B, bachelor’s level license.
State Agency Contact Information:
Alabama State Department of Education
Mailing Address
PO Box 302101
Montgomery, AL 36104
Physical Address
50 N Ripley St.
Montgomery, AL 36130
Phone: 334-694-4900
Email: comm@alsde.edu
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Alaska, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for their state.
Alaska Basic Competency Examination
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Additional requirements:
For initial licensure Alaska requires the completion of training regarding alcohol and drug related disabilities, sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention, dating violence and abuse awareness and prevention, and training related to suicide prevention.
For professional certification Alaska requires the completion of two three-credit courses in Alaska Studies and Multicultural/Cross-Cultural Communication.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time), at an approved site.**
Teacher candidates will be required to complete the Alaska Student Teaching Authorization process. Visit the Alaska Department of Education site for application information.
Apply for Licensure:
Alaska teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Alaska Department of Education.
Alaska Initial Teacher Two/Three-Year Certificate
State Agency Contact Information:
Alaska Dept. of Education & Early Development
Mailing Address
PO Box 110500
Juneau, AK 99811-050
Teacher Certification Office, Juneau
333 Willoughby Ave.,
9th FL, State Office Building
Juneau, AK 99801
Teacher Certification Office, Anchorage
550 West 7th Ave., Suite 810
Anchorage, AK 99501
Email: tcwebmail@alaska.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Arizona, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Additional requirements:
Completion of U.S. Constitution and AZ Constitution requirements, either through college coursework in each of these areas or passing score on the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment (AEPA). Teacher candidates seeking licensure in Arizona will have three years upon issuance of their standard professional license to satisfy this requirement.
US/AZ Constitution AEPA Exam or Continuing Education Coursework (AZ Constitution and U.S. Constitution)
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time), at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
Arizona candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Arizona Department of Education
Current Certificates and Requirements (expand PreK-12 Teaching certificates and click on your content area for more information)
State Agency Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
ADE - Certification
PO Box 6490
Phoenix, AZ 85005-6490
Physical Address:
1535 West Jefferson Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: 602-542-4367
Email: certification@azed.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in California, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program.
Teacher candidates must meet the requirements in the expandable section below to be eligible for recommendation for the California English Learner Authorization/CLAD Certificates and Bilingual Authorization.
Certificate of Clearance: Certificate of clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing in order to begin the teacher preparation program.
Immunizations: The state of California requires negative TB testing or chest x-ray prior to entering the classroom.
Basic Skills Requirement*: Teacher candidates will meet the basic skills requirement for the state in which they reside by choosing one of the pathways.
Please note, candidates seeking to meet the Basic Skills through coursework, or a combination of coursework and exams must have transcripts reviewed by a Credential Analyst. In these cases, the Credential Analyst is required to process a coursework verification form and include the form with the Preliminary Credential recommendation.
Content Knowledge Requirement*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET)
The CA CTC has additional options to meet subject matter competency. Additional options can be reviewed on the CTC website listed below by clicking the appropriate candidate type. Candidates may work with their Education Program Specialist to discuss waiving the CSET using another CA approved option.
MAED/TED-E Candidates (Multiple Subject)
MAED/TED-S Candidates (Single Subject)
Eligible Secondary content areas include:
- English/Language Arts
- Social Science
- Mathematics
- Science
- Physical Education
- Art
Professional Knowledge*: Teacher candidates will complete a Teacher Performance Assessment to demonstrate their Professional Knowledge for Certification.
edTPA Content Pedagogy Assessment
Additional requirements:
California teacher candidates must complete a two-credit U.S. Constitution course or approved exam.
CPR Certificate must be adult, child, and infant CPR and must follow American Heart Association and/or American Red Cross Guidelines.
For Multiple Subject (Elementary) Candidates, proof of passing scores on the RICA (Reading Instruction Competence Assessment) must be provided.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 600 hours (approximately 16-17 full-time weeks) at an approved site. **
Apply for Licensure:
California teacher candidates must request a Credential Recommendation from their Credential Analyst who will submit this directly to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
California Initial Teacher Licensure
Early Completion Option:
For qualified candidates, an Early Completion Option (ECO) is available. The Early Completion Option is intended to provide persons who have the requisite skills and knowledge of teaching pedagogy, the opportunity to complete 120 pre-service hours, and clinical practice seminars A & B then opt out of additional coursework.
Early Completion Option (ECO) students must meet all internship qualifying requirements and passing the NES professional knowledge exam. Candidates must also pass the Teaching Performance Assessment on their first attempt within one year of being issued the intern credential.***
Requirements for the English Learner Authorization and Cross-cultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate may be satisfied by coursework completed through a Commission-approved California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL) program, passing the appropriate Commission-approved examinations, or through a combination of exams and coursework.
Prior to placement in CTEL coursework, candidates must possess a valid California Teaching Credential, services credential, children’s center instructional permit, or children’s center supervision permit which authorized the holder to provide instruction to pupils in preschool, kindergarten, any of grades 1 to 12 inclusive, or classes primarily organized for adults.
Note: The following are not acceptable credentials or permits:
- Emergency Credentials or Permits
- Provisional Internship Permits
- Short-Term Staff Permits
- District Intern Credentials
- University Intern Credentials
- Exchange Credentials
- Sojourn Certificated Employee Credentials
- Services credentials without a special class authorization
CTEL Pathways for Certification
The educator may complete any of the below pathways to obtain certification:
1) Pass each of the three of University of Phoenix state-approved CTEL courses with a “C” or better (Grades of C- will not be accepted for certification):
a) CTEL/501 – Language and Language Development (4 credits
b) CTEL/502 – Assessment & Instruction (4 credits)
c) CTEL/503 – Culture and Inclusion (4 credits)
2) Pass all three CTEL exams
a) CTEL 1: Language and Language Development (test code 031)
b) CTEL 2: Assessment and Instruction (test code 032)
c) CTEL 3: Culture and Inclusion (test code 033)
i. Educator may register to take 1 or all 3 subtests in a single test session
ii. Format: Computer-based test (CBT) only
3) Complete a combination of exams and coursework (each course must be passed with a “C” or better, grades of C- will not be accepted for certification). University of Phoenix CTEL courses align with the CTEL exams, so if an educator does not pass one or more of the exams, the educator may enroll in the appropriate CTEL course(s).
a) CTEL/501 (coursework) = CTEL 1: Language and Language Development (test code 031)
b) CTEL/502 (coursework) = CTEL 2: Assessment and Instruction (test code 032)
c) CTEL/503 (coursework) = CTEL 3: Culture and Inclusion (test code 033)
- You must complete one of the options below:
- 3 CTEL courses
- 3 CTEL exams
- Pass 2 CTEL exams + 1 CTEL course
- Pass 1 CTEL exam + 2 CTEL courses
Candidates must complete a minimum of one (1) CTEL course listed above with University of Phoenix. As outlined above, candidates may complete Commission Approved CTEL single courses at other CA approved institution(s) or CTEL exam components to meet CLAD state requirements. Candidates must provide documentation of course completion and/or exam passing scores.
Candidates must demonstrate basic skills through any of the approved methods set forth by the CTC for the issuance of the CLAD Institutional Recommendation. Candidates typically meet this requirement prior to the issuance of the preliminary credential. Candidates who have not satisfied the basic skills requirement when they request their CLAD IR will be required to do so in order to be eligible to proceed with the CLAD recommendation process.
State Agency Contact Information:
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
May Lee State Office Complex
651 Bannon St., Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95811
Email: credentials@ctc.ca.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
***Contact the College of Education’s California Credential Analyst for more information on the Early Completion Option pathway.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Colorado, you must meet the following requirements to apply for an initial licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education. Teacher candidates will need to obtain Colorado Fingerprint Clearance through the Colorado Department of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Early Childhood Candidates:
Early Childhood Education (AZ 036)
Elementary Candidates:
- Elementary Education: Three Subject Bundle (Test Code 5901)
- Teaching Reading: Elementary (Test Code 5205)
Secondary Candidate:
- Praxis Subject Assessment (Test Code is dependent upon content area, work with your Education Program Specialist to confirm your required assessment)
- Arizona Educator Exams (Test Code is dependent upon content area, work with your Education Program Specialist to confirm your required assessment)
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Special Education Candidates:
- Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications (Test Code 5354)
- Elementary Education: Three Subject Bundle (Test Code 5901)
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary candidates will complete the Professional Knowledge Exam to be eligible for recommendation for teacher certification.
Early Childhood Candidates:
Education of Young Children (Test Code 5024)
Elementary Candidates:
Assessment of Professional Knowledge: Elementary (NT051)
Secondary Candidates:
Assessment of Professional Knowledge: Secondary (NT052)
Reading Exam*: Early Childhood and Special Education candidates will demonstrate their ability to teach reading skills by successfully completing:
Teaching Reading: Elementary (Test Code 5205)
Note: Secondary candidates must provide transcripted verification of a minimum of 24 semester credit hours in their secondary endorsement area IF there is no content exam available in the endorsement area.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates who signed enrollment agreements prior to 2/10/2021 for a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates who signed enrollment agreements on or after 2/10/2021 for a bachelor’s, master’s degree, or graduate certificate program will complete a minimum of 200 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates who signed enrollment agreements prior to 2/10/2021 will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site. Teacher candidates who signed enrollment agreements on or after 2/10/2021 will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 15-week (full-time) at an approved site. **
Apply for Licensure:
Colorado teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Colorado Department of Education.
Colorado Out-of-State Credentialing Guide
State Agency Contact Information:
Colorado Dept. of Education
Educator Talent – Licensing Office
201 East Colfax Ave.
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 702-739-3304
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Delaware, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Additional Requirements:
Completion of U.S. Constitution and AZ Constitution requirements, either through college coursework in each of these areas or passing score on the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments (AEPA).
US/AZ Constitution AEPA Exam or Continuing Education Coursework (AZ Constitution and U.S. Constitution)
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Delaware teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
Delaware teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Delaware licensure.
Applying for Delaware licensure and certification is a two-step process; candidates must hold both a License and at least one Certificate. The License authorizes candidates to work in a Delaware public/charter school, and the Certificate(s) identifies the area(s) in which they are authorized to teach.
State Agency Contact Information:
Delaware Dept. of Education
Licensure & Certification
Collette Education Resource Center
35 Commerce Way, Suite 1
Dover, DE 19904
Phone: 302-857-3388
Contact Delaware Department of Education
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in the District of Columbia, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for the state in which they reside.
Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Test
Please note, candidates who earn an accumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on their bachelor’s degree can waive the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching Exam
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
District of Columbia teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the District of Columbia Public Schools.
District of Columbia Standard Teacher Credential
State Agency Contact Information:
Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)
1050 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-727-6436
Email: osse@dc.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Florida, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Teacher candidates are required to obtain a district background check that includes a federal level background check. To obtain information about how to complete the background check for the school district you are interested in completing clinical experience and clinical practice within, reach out to your assigned Education Program Specialist. Teacher candidates will need to obtain Florida fingerprint clearance through the Florida Department of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for the state in which they reside. Master of Arts in Education/Elementary Teacher Education (MAED/TED-E) and Master of Arts in Education/Secondary Teacher Education (MAED/TED-S) candidates will meet the basic skills requirement by successfully completing their program.
Florida General Knowledge Test
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Florida Subject Area Examinations
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete an approved Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Florida Professional Education Test
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Additional Requirements:
Students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Education/Teacher Education - Secondary (MAED/TED-S) program must have transcripted verification of a minimum of 30 semester credit hours in their secondary content area or transcripted major in their secondary content area.
Apply for Licensure:
Florida teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Florida Department of Education.
Florida Initial Teacher License Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Florida Dept. of Education
Room 201, Turlington Building
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
Phone: 1-800-445-6739
Fax: 850-245-0602
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Georgia, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program.
NOTICE: Georgia residents who hold a Clear Renewable Certificate and/or Standard Professional Certificate cannot enroll in a University of Phoenix teacher preparation program. If a Georgia resident obtains a Clear Renewable or Professional Standard Certificate before completing the UOPX degree program, the degree cannot be used for purposes of a certificate upgrade. Additionally, GA candidates who complete a UOPX graduate initial teacher preparation certificate program are not eligible for admission into a UOPX MAED initial teacher preparation degree program.
Pre-Service Certificate: Candidates who do not hold a current teaching certificate (Induction4 (IN4), Provisional, Permit, or Waiver) will need the Georgia Pre-Service Certificate and will need to also pass the Georgia Ethics Assessment (360).
The Pre-Service Certificate (or Induction4 (IN4), Provisional, Permit, or Waiver) MUST be obtained prior to beginning coursework in the required course of study.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Candidates must take the appropriate GACE assessment based upon their degree program and approved content area (as applicable). Please note, Master of Arts in Education/Special Education candidate will need to take and pass the Special Education General Curriculum GACE. Bachelor of Science in Education/ Early Childhood Education (BSED/ECH) candidates will take GACE: Elementary Education (test code 001 & 002).
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
NOTICE: Rockdale County Public Schools is not an available site for Clinical Experience and Clinical Practice.
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 15-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Clinical practice for all fields must occur in regionally accredited schools, charter schools approved by the Georgia State Charter School Commission, charter schools approved by the Georgia Department of Education, or private schools accredited by a GaPSC-accepted accreditor.
For more guidance on the acceptable clinical practice schools visit the following sites:
- Cognia (formerly advancED/SACS)
- Georgia Department of Education
- Georgia State Charter School Commission
NOTICE: Rockdale County Public Schools is not an available site for Clinical Experience and Clinical Practice.
Additional Requirements:
Teacher candidates will have to take and pass the Educator Ethics Program Exit Exam (360) to obtain licensure.
Teacher candidates in the Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary programs must earn a grade of ‘B-’ or better in a three (3) credit course identifying and educating exceptional children covering all exceptionalities.
Master of Arts in Education/Elementary Teacher Education (v7), Graduate Alternative Pathway/Elementary Education Certificate and Graduate Alternative Pathway/Secondary Education Certificate: Candidates in these teacher preparation programs who have not already taken this required 3-credit course, or an equivalent, have two options to meet Georgia’s requirements:
- University of Phoenix Individual Course - University of Phoenix offers SPED/531 Special Education Teaching Methods through individual coursework that will meet this state requirement.
- Three (3) Credit Course – complete and transfer in a 3-credit Special Education course through any of the Georgia Approved Education Program Providers.
Apply for Licensure:
Georgia teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.
Georgia Teacher Licensure Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Georgia Professional Standards Commission
200 Piedmont Avenue SE
Suite 1702, West Tower
Atlanta, GA 30334-9032
Phone: 404-232-2500
Toll Free: 800-869-7775
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information and information on additional requirements.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Hawaii, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check*: Background checks are required for field and clinical placement, conducted by the Hawaii DOE. Candidates must report to specified background check locations to be fingerprinted. Education Program Specialist is responsible for providing candidates information necessary to initiate a background check and coordinate the candidates’ fingerprinting session.
Immunizations: The state of Hawaii requires negative TB testing, COVID-19 and MMR immunization prior to entering the classroom. Additional immunization verification may be required for admission in accordance with state requirements.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for the state in which they reside.
Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading, Writing and Mathematics (Test Code 5752)
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Early Childhood Candidates:
Education of Young Children (Test Code 5024)
Elementary Candidates:
Elementary Education Assessment (Test Code 5006)
Secondary Candidates:
PRAXIS Subject Assessment (Test Code is dependent upon content area)
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Special Education Candidates:
Special Education: Core Knowledge and Mild to Moderate Applications (Test Code 5543)
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching Exams (Test Code is dependent upon grade range)
Please note, exams must have a pass date within five years of your application for licensure. Exams that were taken more than five years before your licensure application will not meet licensing requirements.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduated Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 13-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Hawai’i teacher candidates will apply directly to their state for initial licensure.
Hawai’i Teacher Licensure Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Hawai’i Teacher Standards Board
650 Iwilei Road, Suite 268
Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: 808-586-2600
Fax: 808-586-2606
Email: htsb@hawaii.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Idaho, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Additional Requirements:
All teacher candidates who are updating from the interim certificate to a renewable certificate must complete the following:
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Idaho teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation to be included in their application for licensure.*
Idaho teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Idaho licensure.
Idaho Application for Out-of-State Candidates
State Agency Contact Information:
Idaho State Dept. of Education
Mailing Address:
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0027
Physical Address:
650 W State St, 2nd Floor
Boise, ID 83702
Phone: 208-332-6800
Toll Free: 800-432-4601
Fax: 208-334-2228
Email: info@sde.idaho.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Illinois, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Arizona Professional Knowledge Exam
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Private schools must be recognized or seeking recognition by the Illinois State Board of Education. The current list of schools recognized or seeking recognition can be found on the ISBE website. (Once on the site, click on block #3 “Can I see a list of registered and recognized schools?” Then look at the recognized school list.)
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Illinois teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates, to be included in their application for licensure.*
Illinois teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Illinois Professional Educator License (PEL) licensure.
Illinois Educator Licensure Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Illinois State Board of Education
100 N. 1st Street
Springfield, IL 62777
Phone: 217-782-4321
Chicago Location:
555 West Monroe Street, Suite 900
Chicago, IL 60661
Phone: 312-814-2220
Email: support@isbe.net
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Indiana, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education. Teacher candidates will need to obtain Indiana fingerprint clearance through the Indiana Department of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Additional requirements:
The following trainings must be completed prior to applying for initial licensure post-graduation:
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Indiana teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates, to be included in their application for licensure.*
Indiana teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Indiana licensure.
Indiana Original Instructional License Out-of-State
State Agency Contact Information:
Indiana Dept. of Education
Indiana Government Center North
9th Floor
100 N Senate Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317-232-6610
Email: licensinghelp@doe.in.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Kansas, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education. Teacher candidates will need to obtain Kansas Background Check through the Kansas State Department of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Candidates in Kansas must obtain a Student Teaching Permit prior to starting the Clinical Practice/Student Teaching experience. For specifics about the process to obtain a Student Teaching Permit, please reach out to your Education Program Specialist.
Additional Requirements:
Students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Education/Teacher Education - Secondary (MAED/TED-S program must have transcripted verification of a minimum of 24 credit hours in a secondary content area (see column Early Adol.- Late Adol./Adulthood Grades 6-12 on linked chart) recognized by the Kansas Department of Education prior to admission to the University.
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Kansas teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates, to be included in their application for licensure.*
Kansas teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Kansas licensure.
Kansas Initial Teacher License Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Kansas State Dept. of Education
Teacher Licensure and Accreditation
Landon State Office Building
900 SW Jackson St.
Topeka, KS 66612
Attention: Teacher Licensure
900 SW Jackson St., Suite 102
Topeka, KS 66612-1212
Phone: 785-296-2288
Email: TLALicense@ksde.org
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Louisiana, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
NOTICE: Louisiana residents who obtain a non-emergency teaching license before completing the UOPX degree program will not be eligible for the Louisiana out-of-state license.
Background Check: Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Early Childhood Candidates:
Please note, passing scores on both exams are required to credential in birth through 3rd grade.
Elementary Candidates:
Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects (Test Code 5001)
Secondary Candidates:
Praxis Subject Assessment (Test Code is dependent upon content area)
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Special Education Candidates:
- Special Education: Core Knowledge and Mild to Moderate Applications (Test code 5543)
- Core subject specific exam appropriate to content being taught (e.g., Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects (Test Code 5001) or core-subject-specific exams for middle or secondary grades – Test Code is dependent upon content area)
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching Exam
Reading Exam*: Early Childhood and Elementary teacher candidates will complete a Reading Pedagogy Exam to be eligible for certification.
Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (Test code 5205)
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduated Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Louisiana teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Louisiana Department of Education.
Louisiana Out-of-State Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Please note, the Louisiana Department of Education does not provide a mailing address for teacher candidates.
Teachlouisiana.net and TeachLALive! Online educator certification portal
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Maine, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for their state.
Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Test
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching1
1Special education candidates will take either test code 5622 or 5624 depending upon if they intend to teacher K-8 or 7-12 grade.
Additional coursework:
Secondary education teacher candidates may need additional content classes based on state requirements. Maine requires 24 credits in content area from undergraduate degree.
Elementary education teacher candidates must provide a transcripted verification of a minimum of 6 semester hours in Mathematics, 6 semester hours in English, 6 semester hours in Science, and 6 semester hours of Social studies.
Certification and Subject Endorsement Requirements
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Maine teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Maine Department of Education.
Maine Initial Teacher Licensure Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Maine Dept. of Education
23 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0023
Phone: 207-624-6600
Fax: 207-624-6700
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Maryland, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background check: For clinical experience and student teaching, University of Phoenix students are required to obtain either a district background check that includes a federal level background check or an Arizona Fingerprint Clearance Card. Teacher candidates will need to obtain Maryland Fingerprint Clearance Card through the Maryland Department of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates who do not have a GPA of 3.0 on their most recently earned degree must present qualifying scores on one of the Academic Skills Assessment accepted by MD DOE.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
edTPA Content Pedagogy Assessment
Reading Exam*: Early Childhood, Elementary and Special Education teacher candidates will complete the state required reading exam to be eligible for certification.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Maryland teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Maryland Department of Education.
Maryland Initial Teacher Licensure Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Maryland State Dept. of Education
Certification Branch
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-2595
Phone: 410-767-0390
Email: certinfo.msde@maryland.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Massachusetts, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for the state in which they reside.
MTEL Communication and Literacy Skills (101/201)
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they are seeking to teach.
Elementary Candidates:
MTEL General Curriculum (178/278)
Special Education Candidates:
NES Special Education (NT601)
Secondary Education Candidates:
Multiple MTEL Content Exams
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Reading Exam*: Elementary and Special Education teacher candidates will complete a Reading Pedagogy Exam to be eligible for certification.
MTEL Foundations of Reading (190) in addition to the exams listed above.
Additional Exams for Special Education Candidates:
Special education candidates are eligible to apply for a Moderate Disabilities provisional teaching license upon graduation from their Arizona-approved program. This type of license has two grade ranges: PreK-8th grade or 5th-12th grade. Both will require an additional Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education required content knowledge exam.
Moderate Disabilities – PreK-8th grade
MTEL General Curriculum (178/278)
Moderate Disabilities – 5th-12th grade, requires one of the following:
- MTEL Biology (66)
- MTEL Chemistry (67)
- MTEL Earth Science (74)
- MTEL English (61)
- MTEL General Science (64)
- MTEL History/Social Science (73)
- MTEL Mathematics (63)
- MTEL Physics (69)
- MTEL Middle School Humanities (76)
- MTEL Middle School Mathematics (65)
- MTEL Middle School Mathematics & Science (77)
Additional Requirements:
Candidates who complete the Bachelor of Science in Education/Elementary Education (BSEd/E); Master of Arts in Education/Elementary Teacher Education (MAED/TED-E); Master of Arts in Education/Secondary Teacher Education (MAED/TED-S); or Master of Arts in Education/Special Education (MAED/SPE) programs will be eligible to apply for an Initial License. Teachers with a Provisional License must meet Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (MA DESE) Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Endorsement requirement within the first five (5) years. The SEI Endorsement requirement can be met within these first five years by (choose one):
- Passing the MTEL Sheltered English Immersion (56) exam OR
- Passing a MA DESE approved Sheltered English Immersion course
Clinical Experience (Field Experience or Pre-Practicum):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**¹
¹ Massachusetts refers to Clinical Experience (Field Experience) as “Pre-Practicum”
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching or Practicum):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MA DESE) currently has two types of Moderate disability license: Prek-8th grade and 5th-12th grade. A candidate’s clinical practice experience needs to be at a site within the grade range they would like a credential in post-graduation.**²
² Massachusetts refers to Clinical Practice (Student Teaching) as “Practicum”
Apply for Licensure:
Massachusetts teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MA DESE).
Massachusetts Out-of-State Applicants
State Agency Contact Information:
Massachusetts Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Educator Licensure
135 Santilli Highway
Everett, MA 02149
Phone: 781-338-3000
Toll Free: 800-439-2370
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Michigan, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check:Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Additional Requirements:
Prior to applying for initial teaching licensure post-graduation, teacher candidates must have a valid certificate of course completion for First Aid training that includes CPR for both children and adults.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Michigan teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Michigan Department of Education.
Michigan Out-of-State Applicants
State Agency Contact Information:
Michigan Dept. of Education
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 30008
Lansing, MI 48909
Physical Address:
608 W. Allegan Street
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 833-633-5788
Email: MDE-EducatorHelp@Michigan.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Minnesota, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Minnesota Teacher Licensure Testing Information (once on the page, expand the “Testing” dropdown)
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledges Exam for Certification.
Early Childhood Candidates:
Pedagogy: Early Childhood (Birth to Grade 3)
Elementary Candidates:
Pedagogy: Elementary (Grades K-6)
Secondary Candidates:
Pedagogy: Secondary (Grades 5-12)
Special Education Candidates will take one of the following:
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Early Childhood Education candidates must complete clinical experience in all the following age/grade ranges:
- Infant/toddler,
- Preschool
- Kindergarten through grade 3.
Secondary Education candidates must complete clinical experience hours in both the following:
- Middle level (grades 5 through 8)
- Secondary (grades 9 through 12) settings
Special Education candidates must complete clinical experience hours in all the following grade ranges:
- Primary (kindergarten through grade 4)
- Middle level (grades 5 through 8)
- Secondary (grades 9 through 12)
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time), at an approved site. **
Apply for Licensure:
Minnesota teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board.
Minnesota Licensure Requirements (Expand Out-of-State Applicants section)
Note: Master of Arts in Education/Special Education candidates are advised to apply for Special Education: Academic and Behavioral Strategist
State Agency Contact Information:
Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
1021 Bandana Blvd. E, Ste 222
Saint Paul, MN 55108
Phone: 651-539-4200
Email: pelsb@state.mn.us
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Mississippi, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education. Teacher candidates will need to obtain Mississippi fingerprint clearance through the Mississippi Department of Education at the time they apply for pre-service.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for their state to be eligible for a Pre-Service Teaching License.
Core Academic Skills for Educators Exam
Please note, Candidates who previously completed the ACT with a score of 21 or higher, or the SAT with a score of 1060 or higher can have their scores submitted directly to MS DOE to meet this requirement.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
A Pre-Service License is required for all clinical placements, including clinical experience (field experience) and clinical practice (student teaching). All candidates apply for this license before they complete any type of clinical experience (field and/or student teaching) in which they will have contact with K-12 schools, either face to face or virtually.
Candidates apply for a Pre-Service license online through the Mississippi Career Continuum Archive (MECCA) System. Candidates will need three forms to be granted Pre-Service:
- Official passing score report, sent directly to the MS DOE for either the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators exam (all subtests must be passed to MS DOE required scores), ACT (score of 21 or higher), or SAT (score of 1060 or higher)
- Institutional Program Verification (IPV) form
- Verification of Lawful Presence form (requires notarized affidavit)
University of Phoenix will assist with the completion of the IPV form. Candidates must complete their portion of the IPV form and email it back to their Education Program Specialist (EPS). The EPS will have the rest of the form completed by the appropriate college representative. UOPX will then email the completed IPV form back to the candidate so they can upload it into their MECCA account along with their completed License Application and Verification of Lawful Presence form.
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Clinical practice experience must take place in a Mississippi Department of Education accredited schools. Visit the list of non-public accredited schools for more information.
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Mississippi teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.
Mississippi teacher candidates will have to include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Mississippi licensure.
Mississippi Reciprocity License
State Agency Contact Information:
Mississippi Dept. of Education
P.O. Box 771
Jackson, MS 39205-0771
Phone: 601-359-3483
Email: techersupport@mdek12.org
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Missouri, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education. Teacher candidates will need to obtain Missouri fingerprint clearance through the Missouri Department of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduated Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Additional requirements:
Completion of U.S. Constitution and AZ Constitution requirements, either through college coursework in each of these areas or passing score on the Arizona Educator Preparation Assessment (AEPA).
US/AZ Constitution AEPA Exam or Continuing Education Coursework (AZ Constitution and U.S. Constitution)
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Missouri teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System . The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
Missouri teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Missouri licensure.
Missouri Initial Teacher License Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
PO Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Physical Address:
205 Jefferson St.
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: 573-751-0051
Email: certification@dese.mo.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Montana, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background check: Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they are seeking to teach.
Additional Requirements:
Prior to applying for initial teacher licensure post-graduation, teacher candidates in Montana must provide verification of the completion of the online course Introduction to Indian Education for All.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Montana teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Montana Office of Public Instruction.
Montana Standard Teaching License Information
State Agency Contact Information:
Montana Office of Public Instruction
Attn. Educator Licensure
P.O. Box 202501
Helena, MT 59620-2501
Phone: 406-444-3150
Email: cert@mt.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Nebraska, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check:Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they are seeking to teach.
Nebraska Content Exam Requirements
Additional requirements:
Prior to applying for initial teacher licensure post-graduation, the below trainings must be met via recent college credits or employment experience within the past immediate five years.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s, master’s, or Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 14-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Some districts require candidates to complete more than the state’s minimum required weeks of student teaching. Candidates must follow the placement guidelines of their district. **
Apply for Licensure:
Nebraska teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Nebraska Department of Education.
Nebraska New Teacher Out-of-State Certificate Requirements
State Agency Contact Information:
Nebraska Dept. of Education
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 94987
Lincoln, NE 68509-4987
Physical Address:
500 S. 84th St., 2nd Floor
Lincoln, NE 68510-2611
Phone: 402-471-2295
Fax: 402-471-0117
Email: NDE.TCERTWEB@nebraska.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Nevada, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education. Teacher candidates will need to obtain Nevada fingerprint clearance through the Nevada Department of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Additional requirements:
Students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Education/Teacher Education - Secondary (MAED/TED-S program must have a Comprehensive major with transcripted verification of a minimum of 36 credit hours, or a Single Subject major with transcripted verification of a minimum of 30 credit hours in a secondary content area recognized by the Nevada Department of Education prior to admission to the University.
Note: Refer to the Nevada Department of Education web site for a list of recognized endorsement areas and required credit hours for teacher licensure at the secondary level. Endorsement areas listed under the Secondary (7-12) Business and Industry License and Secondary (7-12) Career and Technical Education (CTE) License categories are not eligible for enrollment.
Secondary Academic Subject Requirements
Graduates will have 3 years to complete the parental involvement and family engagement courses to meet Nevada requirements. For more information on courses that meet the requirement visit:
NDE Approved PIFE Course Matrix
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Nevada teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.
Nevada teacher candidates will have to include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Nevada licensure.
Nevada Out of State Applicant Information
State Agency Contact Information:
Nevada Dept. of Education
Carson City Office
700 E. Fifth Street
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-687-9115
Roop Street Office, Carson City
755 N. Roop St., Suite 201
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-687-7300
Fax: 775-687-8636
Las Vegas Office
2080 E. Flamingo Rd., Suite 210
Las Vegas NV 89119
Phone: 702-486-6458
Fax: 702-486-6450
Email: license@doe.nv.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in New Hampshire, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: For clinical experience and clinical practice (student teaching), University of Phoenix students are required to obtain either a district background check that includes a federal level background check or an Arizona Fingerprint Clearance. Teacher candidates will need to obtain New Hampshire fingerprint clearance through the New Hampshire Department of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for their state.
Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Test
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
- Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary candidates can find their specific content knowledge exam information Praxis Subject Assessment
- Special education candidates will take and pass the NES Special Education exam (NT601) to meet programmatic requirements
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Reading Exam*: Early Childhood and Elementary teacher candidates will complete the Foundations of Reading Pedagogy Exam to be eligible for certification.
New Hampshire Foundations of Reading Pedagogy Exam
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
New Hampshire teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the New Hampshire Department of Education.
New Hampshire Bureau of Credentialing
State Agency Contact Information:
New Hampshire Dept. of Education
Bureau of Credentialing
25 Hall St., 3rd Floor
Concord, NH 03301-3852
Phone: 603-271-2409
Help Desk Site: https://nhdoepm.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CHD/overview
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in New Jersey, you must meet the following requirements to apply for Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing license through the Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Additional Requirements:
Prior to applying for initial teacher licensure post-graduation, all teacher candidates must meet the Physiology, Hygiene, and Substance Abuse requirement through one of the following options:
1. Evidence of basic military training
2. Completion of a course in biology, health, or nutrition as evidenced by a transcript from a regionally accredited postsecondary institution
3. Complete an online test. You must have a tracking number and an application on file to take this test. Once completed, please email the New Jersey Department of Education at Licensing.Request@doe.nj.gov stating the test has been taken. You will need to include your name and tracking number in the email.
Completion of U.S. Constitution and AZ Constitution requirements, either through college coursework in each of these areas or passing score on the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments (AEPA).
US/AZ Constitution AEPA Exam or Continuing Education Coursework (AZ Constitution and U.S. Constitution)
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, New Jersey teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
New Jersey teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for New Jersey licensure.
New Jersey Initial License Application (expand the instructional certificates area)
State Agency Contact Information:
New Jersey Dept. of Education
Certification & Induction
PO Box 500
Trenton, NJ 08625-0500
Phone: (609) 292-2070
Email: Licensing.Requests@doe.nj.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in New Mexico, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education. In addition, teacher candidates will need to obtain New Mexico Fingerprint Clearance through the New Mexico Department of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Additional Requirements:
Completion of U.S. Constitution and AZ Constitution requirements, either through college coursework in each of these areas or passing score on the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment (AEPA).
US/AZ Constitution AEPA Exam or Continuing Education Coursework (AZ Constitution and U.S. Constitution)
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Candidates in the Bachelor’s of Science in Education/Early Childhood Education program must complete 150 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduated Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, New Mexico teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System . The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
New Mexico teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for New Mexico licensure.
New Mexico Licensure Application
State Agency Contact Information:
New Mexico Public Education Department
300 Don Gaspar
Room 103
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: 505-827-5800
Email: LicensureUnit@state.nm.us
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in North Carolina, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Early Childhood Candidates:
AEPA Early Childhood Education (AZ 036)
Elementary Candidates:
- Praxis Subject Assessment (Test Code 7813)
- Foundations of Reading
Secondary Candidates:
Praxis Subject Assessment (Test Code is dependent upon content area)
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Special Education Candidates:
- Praxis Subject Assessment (Test Code 5355 & 7813)
- Foundations of Reading
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
edTPA Content Pedagogy Assessment
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates in the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s residency pathway will complete a minimum of 12 hours of verified clinical experiences and at least one placement must be in a low performing school. Teacher candidates enrolled in an Alternative Pathway Certificate/Graduate Teacher Certification program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. At least one placement must be in a low performing school. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
NOTICE: Onslow County Schools is not an available site for Clinical Experience and Clinical Practice.
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site. Candidates in the Graduate Teacher Certification programs who sign an enrollment agreement on or after 7/1/2022 must complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum of 16-weeks (full-time) at an approved site.**
NOTICE: Onslow County Schools is not an available site for Clinical Experience and Clinical Practice.
Additional Requirement:
Teacher candidates enrolled in the Masters of Arts in Education/Teacher Education – Secondary (MAED/TED-S) or Graduate Certificate/Secondary (CERT/G-SEC) program may only choose one of the following licensure areas and the content area must be reflected on the Content Declaration form:
- Mathematics
- English
- Science (comprehensive)
- Earth Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Social Studies (comprehensive)
- Political Science
- Geography
- History
- Economics
- Sociology
- Anthropology
Apply for Licensure:
North Carolina teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
North Carolina Process for Educator’s License
State Agency Contact Information:
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Mailing Address:
6301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-6301
Physical Address:
301 N. Wilmington Street
Raleigh, NC 27601-2825
Phone: 984-236-2100
Toll Free: 800-577-7994
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in North Dakota, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Additional Requirements:
A North Dakota Department of Public Instruction-approved Native American Studies course must be completed during the two-year validity period of the initial North Dakota teaching license.
Completion of U.S. Constitution and AZ Constitution requirements, either through college coursework in each of these areas or passing score on the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments (AEPA).
US/AZ Constitution AEPA Exam or Continuing Education Coursework (AZ Constitution and U.S. Constitution)
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, North Dakota teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
North Dakota teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for North Dakota licensure.
North Dakota License Information
State Agencies Contact Information:
North Dakota Dept. of Public Instruction
600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 201
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505-0440
Phone: 701-328-2260
North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board
2718 Gateway Avenue, Suite 204
Bismarck, ND 58503-0585
Phone: 701-328-9641
Fax: 701-328-9641
Email: espbinfo@nd.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Ohio, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: For clinical experience and student teaching, University of Phoenix students are required to obtain an Arizona Fingerprint Clearance. Teacher candidates will need to obtain an Ohio Background Check through the Ohio Department of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they are seeking to teach.
Early Childhood and Elementary Candidates1:
1Early Childhood and Elementary candidates will apply for Primary (PreK-5) licensure post-graduation.
Secondary Candidates:
Multiple Ohio Assessments for Educators (Test code is dependent upon content area)
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Special Education Candidates:
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Assessment of Professional Knowledge (Test code is dependent upon certification grade level band)
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.
Additional Requirements:
Candidates seeking a Primary (PreK-5), or any Intervention Specialist Mild/Moderate license (including multi-age) in Ohio, must successfully complete teaching of reading coursework through an accredited college or university (coursework must be reflected on an official transcript from that institution). This coursework includes:
- Nine semester hours in the teaching of reading, and
- A three-semester hour course in the teaching of phonics (in the context of reading, writing and spelling).
Candidates must have completed at least six of the required 12 semester hours of reading and phonics coursework to be issued a standard teaching license in Ohio. All programs offered to Ohio candidates by University of Phoenix meet the initial six (6) credits needed for the standard teaching license. The remaining coursework requirements will be listed as a limitation. License holders must complete the remaining coursework requirements before they may advance or renew their license.
Apply for Licensure:
Ohio teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Ohio Department of Education.
State Agency Contact Information:
Ohio Department of Education
Office of Educator Licensure
25 South Front St., Mail Stop 504
Columbus, OH 43215-4183
Phone: 614-466-3593
Toll Free: 877-644-6338
Fax: 614-752-8406
Email: educator.licensure@education.ohio.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Oklahoma, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduated Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Oklahoma teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System . The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
Oklahoma teacher candidates will have to include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Oklahoma licensure.
Oklahoma Traditional Path for Teacher Certification
State Agency Contact Information:
Oklahoma State Dept. of Education
Teacher Certification
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, #212
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-4599
Phone: 405-521-3337
Email: TeacherCertification@sde.ok.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Oregon, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program.
Notice: To be eligible to apply for a teaching license via Reciprocity, you must not have previously held an Oregon nonprovisional educator license or completed an Oregon educator preparation program. See Reciprocal Teaching section of the Application Submission Guidance First License Requirements.
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Please note, the State of Oregon requires K – 12 teachers and school staff (including student teachers) to be vaccinated against COVID-19 (see, Oregon Administrative Code 333-019-1030).
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Civil Rights Exam*: Teacher candidates must complete a Civil Rights Exam.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
NOTICE: Portland Public Schools is not an available site for Clinical Experience and Clinical Practice.
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 15-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
NOTICE: Portland Public Schools is not an available site for Clinical Experience and Clinical Practice.
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Oregon teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
Oregon teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona license as part of their application for Oregon licensure.
Oregon Out-of-State Teacher License Information
State Agencies Contact Information:
Oregon Dept. of Education
255 Capitol St NE
Salem, OR 97310-0203
Phone: 503-947-5600
Fax: 503-378-5156
Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission
250 Division St NE
Salem, OR 97301-1012
Fax: 503-378-4448
Email: contact.tspc@tspc.oregon.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Pennsylvania, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: All three Pennsylvania clearances must be submitted to the University of Phoenix prior to teacher candidates completing any clinical experiences in Pennsylvania classrooms. (Pennsylvania requires school administrators collect these fingerprint clearance documents prior to allowing teacher candidates inside classrooms.)
Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Records Check (Act 34) .
Department of Public Welfare Child Abuse History Clearance (Act 151).
Federal Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) through the Department of Education
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Basic Skills Exam*: Bachelor level teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for the state in which they reside.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
- Pennsylvania Educator Certification Tests (Elementary Grades Prek-4th))
- Praxis Subject Assessment (Secondary, Elementary Middle Grades 4-8)
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Additional requirements:
Pennsylvania requires a cumulative 3.0 GPA on degree transcript.
Master of Arts in Education/Secondary Education and Graduate Certificate/Secondary Education candidates must have coursework in their selected content area in addition to passing the corresponding content knowledge exam to be licensed as a secondary educator. For out-of-state prepared candidates, PA Department of Education may officially evaluate your transcript upon application for licensure and has final authority to determine if your content area coursework is acceptable. The following are PA’s secondary content areas. Click on the link to review each content area’s coursework requirements:
- Citizenship Education 7-12 – Subject code 8825
- Communication 7-12 – Subject code 3200
- Computer Science 7-12 – Subject code 1657
- English 7-12 – Subject code 3230
- Mathematics 7-12 – Subject code 6800
- Science-Biology 7-12 – Subject code 8405
- Science-Chemistry 7-12 – Subject code 8420
- Science-Earth and Space Science 7-12 – Subject code 8440
- Science-General Science 7-12 – Subject code 8450
- Science-Physics 7-12 – Subject code 8470
- Social Studies 7-12 – Subject code 8875
The MAED/TED-S and CERT-AP-S (secondary) teacher programs are not accepting new enrollments at this time.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Pennsylvania teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Pennsylvania Candidate Completed an Approved Program Outside of PA – Licensure Requirements
State Agency Contact Information:
Pennsylvania Dept. of Education
333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126
Phone: 717-728-3224 or 717-787-3356
Email: ra-edcertquestions@pa.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Rhode Island, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Additional requirements:
Students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Education/Teacher Education - Secondary (MAED/TED-S) and Graduate Certificate/Secondary (CERT/G-SEC) programs must have transcripted verification of a minimum of 24 semester credit hours in their secondary content area or transcripted major in their secondary content area. Acceptable secondary content areas for Rhode Island candidates include:
- Secondary Grades Biology
- Secondary Grades Business
- Secondary Grades Chemistry
- Secondary Grades English
- Secondary Grades General Science
- Secondary Grades Mathematics
- Secondary Grades Physics
- Secondary Grades Social Studies
Within the first year of obtaining an initial teaching license, candidates will need to complete a literacy training that meets the Rhode Island Right to Read Act requirements. There are two different types of trainings depending upon if your endorsement area requires “proficiency” or “awareness.” For more information, review the Right to Read Act FAQ document.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduated Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Candidates in Rhode Island must obtain a Student Teaching Permit prior to starting the Clinical Practice/Student Teaching experience. For specifics about the process to obtain a Student Teaching Permit, please reach out to your Education Program Specialist.
Apply for Licensure:
Rhode Island teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Rhode Island Department of Education.
Rhode Island Paths to Certification (expand Reciprocity)
State Agency Contact Information:
Rhode Island Dept. of Education
255 Westminster Street
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: 401-222-4600
Email: eqac@ride.ri.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
Teacher candidates in South Carolina enrolled in the following programs must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing their University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
- Bachelor of Science in Education/Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Science in Education/Early Childhood Education
- Master of Arts in Education/Elementary
- Master of Arts in Education/Secondary
- Master of Arts in Education/Special Education
Teacher candidates in South Carolina enrolled in the Alternative Pathway to Certification or Graduate Certificate programs must meet the requirements in the expandable section below and will apply for licensure through the Reciprocity pathway after completing their University of Phoenix teacher preparation program.
Background Check: Background Check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Program Pre-Approval: South Carolina Department of Education highly recommends that educators seeking to enroll in an online institution of higher education (IHE) submit a request for pre-approval using the Education Portal.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching Exam or edTPA Content Pedagogy Assessment
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Teacher candidates must obtain a Student Teaching Clearance. All steps to apply for the clearance are available at:
Teacher candidates must obtain a Student Teaching Clearance. All steps to apply for the clearance are available at:
Additional requirements:
Completion of U.S. Constitution and AZ Constitution requirements, either through college coursework in each of these areas or passing score on the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment (AEPA). Teacher candidates seeking licensure in Arizona will have three years upon issuance of their standard professional license to satisfy this requirement.
US/AZ Constitution AEPA Exam or Continuing Education Coursework (AZ Constitution and U.S. Constitution)
Apply for Licensure:
Teacher candidates in South Carolina enrolled in a graduate certificate teacher preparation program, will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure. South Carolina graduate certificate teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for South Carolina licensure.*
Teacher candidates in South Carolina enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Education/Elementary Education (BSED/E), Bachelor of Science in Education/Early Childhood Education (BSED/ECH), Master of Arts in Education/Elementary (MAED/TED-E), Master of Arts in Education/Secondary (MAED/TED-S) and Master of Arts in Education/Special Education (MAED/SPE) preparation programs will apply for licensure directly to the South Carolina Department of Education.
South Carolina Certification Resources
State Agency Contact Information:
South Carolina Dept. of Education
1429 Senate Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: 803-734-8500
Email: info@ed.sc.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in enrolled in the Graduate Certificate programs in South Carolina, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education. Teacher candidates will need to obtain South Carolina fingerprint clearance through the South Carolina Department of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in an Alternative Pathway Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete a minimum 12-week clinical practice setting at an approved district. **
Teacher candidates must obtain a Student Teaching Clearance. All steps to apply for the clearance are available at:
Additional requirements:
Completion of U.S. Constitution and AZ Constitution requirements, either through college coursework in each of these areas or passing score on the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment (AEPA). Teacher candidates seeking licensure in Arizona will have three years upon issuance of their standard professional license to satisfy this requirement.
US/AZ Constitution AEPA Exam or Continuing Education Coursework (AZ Constitution and U.S. Constitution)
Apply for Licensure:
Teacher candidates in South Carolina enrolled in a graduate certificate teacher preparation program, will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure. South Carolina graduate certificate teacher candidates must include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for South Carolina licensure.*
Teacher candidates in South Carolina enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Education/Elementary Education (BSED/E), Bachelor of Science in Education/Early Childhood Education (BSED/ECH), Master of Arts in Education/Elementary (MAED/TED-E), Master of Arts in Education/Secondary (MAED/TED-S) and Master of Arts in Education/Special Education (MAED/SPE) preparation programs will apply for licensure directly to the South Carolina Department of Education.
South Carolina Certification Resources
State Agency Contact Information:
South Carolina Dept. of Education
1429 Senate Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: 803-734-8500
Email: info@ed.sc.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in South Dakota, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Additional requirements:
Prior to applying for initial teacher licensure post-graduation, South Dakota applicants must complete:
Applicants may receive a one-year provisional certificate to complete:
Completion of U.S. Constitution and AZ Constitution requirements, either through college coursework in each of these areas or passing score on the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments (AEPA).
US/AZ Constitution AEPA Exam or Continuing Education Coursework (AZ Constitution and U.S. Constitution)
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, South Dakota teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
South Dakota teacher candidates will have to include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for South Dakota licensure.
South Dakota Educator Certification Portal
State Agency Contact Information:
South Dakota Dept. of Education
800 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: 605-773-3134
Email: doe@state.sd.us
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Tennessee, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix. In addition, teacher candidates will need to obtain Tennessee fingerprint clearance through a Tennessee school district to be cleared to complete clinical experience and clinical practice.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Teacher candidates in the Master of Arts in Education/Teacher Education-Secondary program must student teach in an approved endorsement area. Endorsement areas designated as PreK-12 or K-12 are not considered approved endorsement areas. Only the following endorsement areas are considered approved areas and one must be reflected on the Content Declaration Form:
- Biology 6-12
- Business Education 6-12
- Chemistry 6-12
- Chinese 6-12
- Earth Science 6-12
- Economics 6-12
- English 6-12
- French 6-12
- Geography 6-12
- German 6-12
- Government 6-12
- History 6-12
- Mathematic 6-12
- Physics 6-12
- Spanish 6-12
Private schools selected for Clinical Practice must be accredited by one (1) of the following: any accreditation division of AdvancED (the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI), the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC), and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI)), the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA), the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), any accrediting association recognized by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Commission on Accreditation (e.g., the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS)) or the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA).
Apply for Licensure:
Tennessee teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Tennessee Department of Education.
Tennessee Out-of-State Educators License Information
State Agency Contact Information:
Office of Educator Licensure and Preparation
9th Floor, Andrew Johnson Tower
710 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN 37243
Email: Educator.Licensure@tn.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Texas, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Science of Teaching Reading*: Teacher candidates will complete a Science of Teaching Reading Exam for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 14-week (full-time) at an approved site.
Some districts require candidates to complete more than the state’s minimum required weeks of student teaching. Candidates must follow the placement guidelines of their district.**
Additional requirements:
Completion of U.S. Constitution and AZ Constitution requirements, either through college coursework in each of these areas or passing score on the Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment (AEPA).
US/AZ Constitution AEPA Exam or Continuing Education Coursework (AZ Constitution and U.S. Constitution)
Candidates in the Alternative Pathway Elementary (CERT/AP-E) program must complete APE/536: Introduction to the Science of Reading or comparable transfer activity to be eligible for clinical practice.
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Texas teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System . The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
Texas teacher candidates will have to include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Texas licensure.
Texas Out-of-State Application Instruction
State Agency Contact Information:
Texas Education Agency
1701 N. Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: 512-936-8400
Help desk: https://helpdesk.tea.texas.gov/hc/en-us/categories/115000066407-Educator-Certification-and-CPE
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Utah, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education. Teacher candidates will need to obtain Utah fingerprint clearance through the Utah State Board of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
Reading Exam*: Early Childhood, Elementary and Special Education teacher candidates will complete the Foundations of Reading Pedagogy Exam to be eligible for certification.
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, Utah teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System . The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
Utah teacher candidates will have to include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for Utah licensure
Utah Out-of-State Applicant Information
State Agency Contact Information:
Utah State Board of Education
Mailing Address:
PO Box 144200
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200
Physical Address:
250 East 500 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84111-3204
Phone: 801-538-7500
Fax: 801-538-7973
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Vermont, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: For clinical experience and student teaching, University of Phoenix students are required to obtain either a district background check that includes a federal level background check or an Arizona Fingerprint Clearance. Teacher candidates will need to obtain Vermont Fingerprint Clearance through the Vermont Agency of Education at the time they apply for licensure.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for their state.
Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Test
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Candidates in Early Childhood Education, Elementary and Secondary all will take Praxis Subject Assessment.
Candidates in Special Education will need to take and pass the NES Special Education (NT601) to meet programmatic requirements.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Apply for Licensure:
Vermont teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Vermont Agency of Education.
Vermont Initial License Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Vermont Agency of Education
Secretary Daniel M. French
1 National Life Dr., Davis 5
Montpelier, VT 05620-2501
Phone: 802-828-1130
Fax: 802-828-6430
Email: aoe.edinfo@vermont.gov
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Virginia, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for their state.
Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Reading Exam*: Early Childhood, Elementary and Special Education teacher candidates will complete the Teaching Reading Exam to be eligible for certification.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Additional Requirements:
Prior to applying for initial teacher licensure post-graduation, teacher candidates in Virginia will complete the following trainings:
- Dyslexia Training Module
- Certification of Child Abuse and Neglect Recognition and Intervention Training
- Emergency First Aid, CPR including Hands-on Practice, and AED
- Cultural Competency Training
Secondary candidates who declare social studies, history, social science, or similar related content area must complete an African American History course and provide record of successful completion. If a candidates does not have an acceptable course on their transcripts at time of enrollment, they can meet the requirement by completing VA DOE’s African American History online modules course.
Apply for Licensure:
Virginia teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Virginia Department of Education.
Virginia Initial License Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Virginia Dept. of Education
James Monroe Building, 25th Floor
101 N. 14th St
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: 800-292-3820
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in Washington, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through the Direct Apply pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Background check must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the state in which you will be teaching. Candidates will complete the Pre-Residency Certificate process to satisfy this requirement.
Immunizations*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Please note, all public and private school facilities serving K – 12 students are required to monitor the COVID-19 vaccination status of all “workers” on-site, including student teachers.
Basic Skills Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete the basic skills exam for their state.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
West E/NES Content Knowledge Test
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduated Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
Please note, Washington candidates will not be placed or complete clinical practice in a district that requires edTPA (teacher performance assessment).
Apply for Licensure:
Washington teacher candidates will apply for licensure directly to the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Washington Initial License Application
State Agency Contact Information:
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Professional Certification Office
Mailing Address:
PO Box 47200
Olympia, WA 98504-7200
Physical Address:
Old Capitol Building
600 Washington St. S.E.
Olympia, WA 98504
Phone: 360-725-6400
Fax: 360-586-0145
Email: Cert@k12.wa.us
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
As a teacher candidate in West Virginia, you must meet the following requirements to apply for licensure through a Reciprocity pathway after completing your University of Phoenix teacher preparation program:
Background Check: Arizona Fingerprint Clearance must be obtained and submitted to University of Phoenix and the Arizona Department of Education. Teacher candidates will need to obtain West Virginia clearance during the student teaching permit process.
Immunization*: Requirements may vary by district, and candidates should contact the school district for a list of the immunizations required prior to clinical practice/student teaching.
Content Knowledge Exam*: This test will demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the core content area they seek to teach.
Please note, middle grades content exams will not be accepted for secondary candidates.
Professional Knowledge Exam*: Teacher candidates will complete a Professional Knowledge Exam for certification.
edTPA Content Pedagogy Assessment
Please note, if a candidate has taken a home-state exam prior to enrolling in a UOPX teacher preparation program, reach out to your Education Program Specialist for further advisement on exam acceptability.
Clinical Experience (Field Experience):
Teacher candidates enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program will complete a minimum of 100 hours of verified clinical experiences. Teacher candidates enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program will complete a minimum of 60 hours of verified clinical experiences. The clinical experience hours are completed prior to clinical practice.**
Clinical Practice (Student Teaching):
Teacher candidates will complete one (1) clinical practice experience for a minimum 12-week (full-time) at an approved site.**
West Virginia requires teacher candidates to complete three forms prior to clinical practice. Form 23 grants permission to be placed in a West Virginia district for clinical practice. Forms 24 and 7 are needed to obtain your clinical practice permit to be eligible to start your clinical practice. Candidates who already hold a West Virginia certificate or permit listed in Policy 5202 (§126-136-4. Definitions.) do not need a clinical practice permit to complete their experience in a West Virginia school districts. For assistance, work with your Education Program Specialist to ensure the forms are submitted in time to complete clinical practice during your anticipated school semester.
- Form 23 required for Clinical experience approval
- Form 24 and Form 7 required for Clinical placement: Permit
Apply for Licensure:
Upon graduating from the teacher preparation program, West Virginia teacher candidates will apply for teacher licensure in Arizona through the online Educator Certification System. The University of Phoenix will prepare an Arizona Institutional Recommendation for candidates to be included in their application for licensure.*
West Virginia teacher candidates will have to include a copy of their valid Arizona teaching license as part of their application for West Virginia licensure.
West Virginia Initial License Application
Note: Master of Arts in Education/Special Education candidates are advised to apply for Multi-Categorical Special Education license. Refer to page 19 of the Licensure Testing Directory for endorsement code, endorsement coverage area and endorsement exam.
State Agency Contact Information:
West Virginia Board of Education
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, WV 25305
Phone: 304-558-7010
Toll Free: 833-627-2833
*Deadlines will vary depending on candidate start date. Contact your Education Program Specialist for testing and licensure information.
**Contact your Education Program Specialist for placement information.
This summary of state licensure requirements is provided as a reference tool for our teacher candidates. Every effort is made to ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date. As licensing requirements can change at any time, teacher candidates can also check with their state’s teacher licensing authority (contact information provided above).
The University has determined that its teacher education program(s) does NOT meet the requirements for teacher licensure in the following states. Please click on the links below for contact information for the applicable state licensing board.
BSED/E Program: American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Iowa, Kentucky, Marshall Islands, New York, Palau, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Wisconsin, Wyoming
BSED/ECH Program: Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Marshall Islands, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Palau, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Wisconsin, Wyoming
BSLS Program: California specific program, restricted/not offered in any other states/jurisdictions.
MAED/TED-E Program: American Samoa, Arkansas, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Iowa, Kentucky, Marshall Islands, New York, Palau, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Wisconsin, Wyoming
MAED/TED-S Program: American Samoa, Arkansas, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Delaware, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Iowa, Kentucky, Marshall Islands, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Palau, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Utah, U.S. Virgin Islands, Wisconsin, Wyoming
MAED/SPE Program: Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Delaware, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Marshall Islands, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Palau, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Texas, Utah, U.S. Virgin Islands, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
CERT/AP-E Program: Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Federated States of Micronesia, Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Marshall Islands, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Palau, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, U.S. Virgin Islands, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming
CERT/AP-S Program: Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Federated States of Micronesia, Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Marshall Islands, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Palau, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, U.S. Virgin Islands, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming
CERT/AP-SE Program: Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Federated States of Micronesia, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Marshall Islands, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Palau, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming
CERT/G-ELM Program: Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Federated States of Micronesia, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Marshall Islands, Michigan, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Palau, Puerto Rico, South Dakota, U.S. Virgin Islands, Vermont, Wisconsin, Wyoming
CERT/G-SEC Program: Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Delaware, Federated states of Micronesia, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Marshall Islands, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Palau, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Dakota, U.S. Virgin Islands, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin, Wyoming
CERT/G-SPE Program: Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Delaware, Federated States of Micronesia, Florida, Guam, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Marshall Islands, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Palau, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Dakota, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming