college of doctoral studies
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Clarity on Career Advancement: Transforming Optimism into Results
By Louise Underdahl, Ph.D. and Pamayla E. Darbyshire, DHA
This white paper utilizes data from the University of Phoenix Career Institute® 2024 report to examine the factors affecting employees' career advancement. It discusses actionable strategies for employees, employers, and educators.
Overcoming Barriers: Helping Working Moms Overcome Obstacles
By TaMika Fuller, DBA
This white paper draws upon data from the University of Phoenix Career Institute® 2023 Mothers Overcome More™ or the M.O.M.™ report to explore the top stressors experienced by working mothers, the perceptions of mothers regarding their current jobs or careers, and strategies organizations can use to help working moms overcome obstacles.
Good Leader, Bad Decisions
By Lorraine Priest, Ph.D.
Leaders make decisions for all types of commerce, including military as well as commercial commerce. All leaders make decisions based on personal experiences and some decisions are not always as successful causing incidents costing the United States and other countries lives and memories. Neuroscience has studied how a human brain reacts in the decision-making process affecting final decisions, such as during tragedies like Pearl Harbor and the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders and organizations may benefit from understanding how the brain reacts when a crisis arises, how training and knowledge may help to avoid making repeatedly bad decisions, and how to turn a bad decision into a successful decision-making process in the future.
Can Leaders’ Grit and Passion Spread Organizational Toxicity?
By Juana Lang, EdD, MEd, and Lucinda Hines, DHA, MBA
The white paper leverages findings from the University of Phoenix Career Institute® 2024 Career Optimism Index® study and theoretical implications of leadrship passion and grit to better understand the state of organizational leadership, and offers guidelines for cultivating harmonious passion in leadership roles.